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Submitted by elaine_geallis on Thu, 06/09/2022 - 11:52am
Monday, June 13, 2022 - 7:00pm
JUNE 13, 2022
Location: Glenbrook District Office Public Meeting Room 100A
3801 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60026
Zoom Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 850 3619 1388
Meeting Passcode: 3801
(7:00) Call to Order – Roll Call
(7:02) Approval of the Agenda for this Meeting
(7:03) Recognition of Community Visitors
The public comment will be in-person only and the period shall be limited to 30 minutes.
Public Comment Procedures: Individuals that would like to address the Board of Education during the “Recognition of Community Visitors” portion of the meeting must indicate their intention by signing up upon arrival to the meeting, prior to the start of the public comment period. Individuals will be called to the podium in the order that they signed in and provided two (2) minutes to address the Board.
(7:33) Board and Superintendent Reports
(7:45) Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
Approval of Accounts Payable Bills
Approval of Payroll Disbursements
Approval of Revolving Fund Reimbursement
May 23, 2022 Regular Closed Board Meeting
Retirement Declaration
[Revised] 4010 Policy - Fiscal and Business Management
[Revised] 4040 Policy - Student Fees, Fines, & Assessments
[Revised] 4050 Policy - Independent Audit of Funds
[Sunset] 4060 Policy - Purchase of Equipment for Private Use
[Revised] 4080 Policy - Revolving Fund
[Revised] 4090 Policy - Incurring Debt
[Revised] 4200 Policy - Purchases and Contracts
[Revised] 5080 Policy - Workers’ Compensation Insurance
[Sunset] 5080 Procedures - Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Revised] 8250 Policy - Activity and Fiduciary Funds
[Sunset] 9020 Policy - Interscholastic Athletic Tournament Expenses
(7:50) Public Hearing: 2021-22 Fiscal Year Amended Budget
(7:55) Discussion/Action: Adoption of the 2021-22 Fiscal Year Amended Budget
(8:00) Discussion/Action: Goals and Initiatives Quarterly Update
(8:45) Discussion/Action: Proposed Board of Education Committee Meetings Schedule
(8:50)Discussion/Action: Award of Bids for the School Health Center
(9:05) Discussion/Action: Award of Professional Services Agreement for the School Health Center
(9:20) Discussion/Action: Policies and Procedures
[Revised] 4020 Policy - Fees from Residential Real Estate Developers
[Sunset] 4020 Procedures - Fees from Residential Real Estate Developers
[Sunset] 4025 Policy - Fees from Residential Real Estate Developers Under the Jurisdiction of Village of Northbrook
[Sunset] 4025 Procedures - Fees from Residential Real Estate Developers Under the Jurisdiction of Village of Northbrook
[Revised] 4030 Policy - Investment of District Funds
[Sunset] 4030 Procedures - Investment of District Funds
[Revised] 6180 Policy - Special Leaves of Absence
[Sunset] 6210 Policy - Disability Due to Pregnancy
[Sunset] 6210 Procedures - Disability Due to Pregnancy
[New] 6385 Policy - Cell Phone Stipend
[Revised] 6390 Policy - Uniforms
(9:35) Review and Summary of Board Meeting
(9:37) Possible Topics for Future Board Meetings
Future Meeting Dates:
Monday, June 27, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting
(9:40) Closed Session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; student disciplinary cases; Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. (Section 2(c) (1), (9), and (11) of the Open Meeting Act).
Possible Action Regarding Topics Discussed in Closed Session
(9:55) Adjournment
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